11.04.2024 - DAY 1, International Environment and Energy Forum
09:00 - 10:00 Registration and welcome coffee
10.00 – 10.30 International Environment Forum Opening
- Mihaela Frăsineanu, State Counsellor – The Chancellery of the Prime Minister
- Mircea Fechet - Minister of Environment, Water and Forest
- Sebastian Burduja – Ministry of Energy
- Bogdan Mihai Dumea - Secretary of State, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization
Session 1. Circular Economy in action, roles and responsibilities (10:30 – 13.00)
- Efficient waste management in Circular Economy
- Cosmin Dorin Teodoru, General Director – Ministry of Environment, Water and Forest
- Cristian Nelu Moldovan- Packaging Recovery Manager, Coca-Cola HBC România
- Armando Massimo – OWNER, NORD ENGINEERING S.p.A
- Emil Moț - Mayor, Slatina Municipality
- Extended Producer Responsibility and foreseen European legislation on packaging and packaging waste -
- Monika Romenska, Regulatory & Public Affairs Manager – Extended Producer Responsibility Aliance (EXPRA)
- Vulnerabilitati economico-financiare ale sistemului de garanție in Romania
- Florin Raducu Lăzăroiu - Director General, ROMAQUA GROUP SA
- European experience and good practices for textile and construction waste management -
- Francesco Lembo, Deputy Secretary General - Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+)
- Questions and answers
- Efficient waste management in Circular Economy
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
Session 2. Bioeconomy, how can integrate bioresources in economy (14:00 – 15.30)
- Biowaste, from problem to solution – Compost management
- Aurel Oprionoiu, President of Environment Commission of Romanian Senat
- Management of biowaste from municipal waste
- Gabriel Moiceanu - President of FADI
- Composting, part of the Circular Bioeconomy
- Florin Văduva - Executive Director of the Romanian Compost Association (ARC)
- Ioan Hențiu, Director - Romanian Association for Compost (RAC)
- European experience on biowaste management
- Stefanie Siebert, Executive Director - European Compost Network (ECN)
- Member State experience, Italian example and good practice on compost
- Massimo Centemero, General Director- CONSORZIO ITALIANO COMPOSTATORI (CIC) and Vicepresident ECN
- Questions and answers
- Biowaste, from problem to solution – Compost management
Session 3. Discussions Panel, Waste management in Circular Economy (15:30 – 16:15)
- Cosmin Dorin Teodoru, General Director – Ministry of Environment, Water and Forest
- Monika Romenska, Regulatory & Public Affairs Manager – EXPRA
- Raluca Mocanu - Sustainability Leader, IKEA România
- Francesco Lembo, Deputy Secretary General - ACR+
- Questions and answers
16.15 Conclusions of day 1
12.04.2024 - DAY 2, International Environment and Energy Forum
10:30 - 11:00 Registration and welcome coffee
11.00 – 11.30 Opening speeches
- Mihaela Frăsineanu, State Counsellor – The Chancellery of the Prime Minister
- Dan Ștefan Chiru, Secretary of State - Ministry of Environment, Water and Forest
- Dan Dragoș Drăgan - Secretary of State - Ministry of Energy
- Andrei Alexandru - Secretary of State, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization
Session 1. Green Energy, solution for economy and environment (11:30 – 13:00)
Moderator - Irene Mihai– Policy Officer RPIA
- Green energy in the context of energy independence
- Dan Dragoș Drăgan - Secretary of State, Ministry of Energy
- How green are green energy projects
- BCR - Strategic Partner in energy projects
- Manuela Trisnevschi - Head of Energy & Utilities, BCR
- The contribution of renewable energy to national energy mix, practical solution -
- Alexandru Nicola - Sales Director, Renovatio E-charge
- Relu Fenechiu, COO of Next Generation Technologies
- Questions and answers
- Green energy in the context of energy independence
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
Session 2. Climate Action (14:00 – 15:00)
- Romania's long-term strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions - Neutral Romania in 2050
- Gherghița Nicodim, Head of Climate Change Service, Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests
- Decarbonisation, cement industry experience
- Marinela Drăcea – President of CIROM
- Questions and answers
- Romania's long-term strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions - Neutral Romania in 2050
Session 3. Financing the transition, economic instruments (15:00 – 16:00)
- Financing opportunities for transition to Circular Economy (PNRR)
- Adrian Ștefănescu, Director – Investment Directorate PNRR - Ministry of Environment, Water and Forest
- Green Energy Financing Programs and Opportunities
- Ioana Voinescu - Head of Sustainability Department, BCR
- Financing programs through Environmental Fund
- Mălin Paicu, Deputy General Director, Environmental Fund Administration
- The European Investment Bank, source of complementary financing of the national financing programs
- Emmanuel MOREL - Project Advisory Support Team, Banca Europeană de Investiții
- Questions and answers
- Financing opportunities for transition to Circular Economy (PNRR)
16.15 Conclusion of day 2
18.00 - 21.00 Network Dinner
13.04.2024 - DAY 3, International Environment and Energy Forum
Day of environmental NGOs
10:30 - 11:00 Registration and welcome coffee
11.00 – 11.15 Opening speeches
Session 1. Environmental NGOs, roles and responsibilities, problems and results (11:15 – 12:00)
Debate on the problems faced by NGOs in their current activity, with participation
Ateliere Fără Frontiere - Upcycling ‘’Remesh’’ + Preparation for reuse of WEEE
Terra Mileniul III
Session 2. Successful projects and good practices (12:00 – 12:45)
Successful projects and good practices
Educational projects
Communication projects
Advocacy, etc.
Asociatia ECOATITUDINE – Information project - awareness in Brasov county
Asociația Culturalis
Asociația Între Vecini
12:45 - 13:00 Coffee break
Session 3. Volunteering for environmental causes (13:00 – 13:30)
CUM ARUNC PLASTIC - Environmental volunteerism present and perspectives, Pro Recycling, No Storage
AIESEC - national and international program with voluntary
We will invite representatives of NGOs that run projects with volunteers
Session 4. Integration on the labor market of future specialists in the environmental sector (13:30 – 14:00)
What do the exhibiting companies offer as employment prospects?
Visit to the exhibition stands
We will invite representatives of exhibiting companies or even NGOs, which have specific jobs to offer in the present and the near future
14.00 Conclusion of day 3
Event co-organized by: